Top Trading Partners

The top countries Germany exports to are France, United Sates, Netherlands, U.K, Italy, and Austria
The top countries Germany imports from are the Netherlands, China, France, United States, Italy, Belgium, and Austria
All the countries involved in trading and exporting with Germany are relatively around the same percentage of activity.  There is not one specific country that sticks out as the top trading partner.  For the most part, the countries that do business with Germany are the surrounding countries of it or countries that are in the European Union.  (Aside from the U.S. and China.)

Trade Agreements

Germany is involved with the European Union; An economic and political association of certain European countries with internal free trade and common external tariffs. It was created on November 1, 1993, and consists of 27 member states.
Benefits of this union is that is reduces trade barriers and increases cooperation among its members.  It makes trading easier and consistent between these countries. 

Top Imports/Exports

The top import and export for Germany is machinery.

Pattern of Trade

The pattern of trade for Germany seems to be consistent with the country's advantages and disadvantages in production because Germany is skilled in things that require knowledge, not in unskilled labor.  Germany is also the world's number one exporter and the leader in mechanical engineering. 


Germany wants to and is favor for placing sanctions on Syrian Leadership.  The European Union has already placed sanctions on Libya. 
